At one time, people really dressed up to shop on the Plaza and it was a tremendous destination with many local stores serving the nearby apartment dwellers. My mother used to say that people on the Plaza looked "sharp". Now most of the stores are chains and shoppers are pretty casual but there is still a fun and sophisticated atmosphere. We visited The Better Cheddar among other shops and enjoyed a fine dinner at M&S Grill, after an excursion to Crick Camera.
We are attending the Anglican Use Mass at St. Therese Little Flower this morning. St. Therese is in the Blue Hills neighborhood and the pastor, Father Ernie Davis, celebrates three Masses each Sunday: one more traditional, one Gospel, and one Anglican Use.
As I read through the Rite on-line, I noticed that some of the language matches that to be introduced to the Novus Ordo English translation next Advent: "And with thy [your] spirit"; "I believe . . ."; "Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof . . ."
I will report tomorrow on the experience and the book signing after Mass.
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