Monday, March 21, 2011

The Execution of Thomas Cranmer

March 21, 1556--Gareth Russell posts more here.


  1. Thank you for the link and I think I see a photo taken in the University Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Oxford?

  2. You're welcome, Gareth--yes, I took the photo the summer of 2009 when I attended the "Oxford Experience"!

  3. I should be very interested to know what happened to Cranmer's wife. I understand that her travel arrangements were somewhat unusual!

  4. I think that at the Judgement Seat ,which we all must face,all of those who persecuted in the Name of Christ-Catholic,Anglican ,Reformed and Lutheran- will have to give an accounting to Him . The one i think should burn in fires of damnationn is the vile Richard Topcliffe,next to Osama Bin laden i hope . But then I will need to look to my own fAITH to walk daily with Christ-just as my spiritual ancestors-the Recusants martyrs or not- did
