UPDATED: December 9, 2018
I have a blog page on the National Catholic Register website now, working with their editor to publish articles based upon my research into Church history, particularly looking at issues of religious freedom and the lessons of history. Please see updates here.
Gilbert, the publication of the American Chesterton Society, will conclude my two part explanation of G.K. Chesterton's counter-factual essay, “If Don John of Austria Had Married Mary Queen of Scots”, a consideration of what might have been in the November/December issue (print only; membership/subscription required). The first part of the essay was in the September/October 2018 issue.
The National Catholic Register has published my review of a new compilation of Newman sermons for Advent and Christmas! Blessed John Henry Newman will likely be canonized next year: date TBD!!
My review of Inside the Mind of Thomas More: The Witness of His Writings by Louis W. Karlin and David R. Oakley (Scepter Publishers) was published in the June 10, 2018 issue of the National Catholic Register and is available online here.
I'm pleased to announce that I'll have two pieces published in the January/February 2018 issues of the Saint Austin Review! The first is an article on the movie Green Dolphin Street, offering a Chestertonian interpretation of the vocations of marriage and religious life: “The Pattern of the Cross”. Lana Turner and Donna Reed are two sisters who learn about God's plans for their happiness. I wrote it a few years ago, so I'm eager to see it in print!
The second piece is a book review of Philip Campbell's Heroes & Heretics of the Reformation, which I just submitted in November.
My interview with Professor Brad S. Gregory, author of The Unintended Reformation and Rebel in the Ranks, was published by the National Catholic Register in the October 29, 2017 issue.
My review of Holiness in a Secular Age: The Witness of Cardinal Newman, by Father Juan Vélez was published in the October 1, 2017 print edition of the National Catholic Register and is available online here.
My latest article in Tudor Life: The Tudor Society Magazine (Members Only) is about the Pilgrimage of Grace: I look at the terms in that name and the banner the pilgrims marched under, the Four Wounds of Christ. It was chosen as the Top Article in the October issue!!
In the September/October issue of OSV's The Catholic Answer Magazine, I answer the question "What Is a Papal Bull?" and explain the other official documents popes have used through the centuries to communicate with the faithful, the hierarchy, and the world!
I also write for other publications and have articles published in these periodicals:
~ “There’s Something about Bloody Mary” First Things: On the Square on-line edition, November 16, 2009
~ “In the Shadow of Tyburn Tree: Who Were the Martyrs of England and Wales?” The Catholic Answer Magazine, January/February 2010
~ “Preparing the Church for converts: Newman, Benedict XVI, and the lessons of history” Homiletic & Pastoral Review, August/September 2010
~"Are We Outlaws Again?" published in the Ash Wednesday 2012 edition of the Catholic Exchange on-line (February 22)
~"Why the State Must Respect Your Conscience" published in the March 6, 2012 edition of the Catholic Exchange on-line
(a mini-series with background to two movies about persecutions of the 18th and 20th centuries in France and Mexico); published on the Catholic Exchange
~"The Fascinating Mr. Byrd" (an article about Catholic recusant composter William Byrd), published in the April 12, 2102 edition of the Catholic Exchange on-line

~Article on Catholic Maryland: "Believers and Patriots: What is colonial Maryland’s legacy of religious freedom? in OSV's The Catholic Answer Magazine, March/April 2013
~Article in the July/August 2013 issue of The Catholic Answer Magazine: "How Martyrdom Helped End the Reign of Terror: Who are the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiègne?"
~An article in the September/October issue of OSV's The Catholic Answer Magazine: "The Cross Triumphant: What are the feasts of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows?"
~An Article in the September on-line issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review: "Knowing Enough History to Defend It: Catholic History and Apologetics".
~Articles in January/February 2014 issues of The Catholic Answer Magazine (Blessed John Henry Newman on Conscience) and The St. Austin Review (subscription required)--the latter on Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's impact on Catholicism in England.
~~Article in the March/April 2014 issue of The Catholic Answer Magazine on the Holy Grail.
~~Article in the May/June 2014 issue of The Catholic Answer Magazine on Our Lady of Laus.
~~A poem (!) in the July/August issue of The Saint Austin Review (subscription required).
~~An article AND a book review in the September/October issue of The Saint Austin Review--the article, on English Catholic Recusant Composers like William Byrd, Thomas Tallis and Peter Philips, is available on-line!
~~The November/December 2014 issue of OSV's The Catholic Answer Magazine featured my article on Bismarck's Kulturkampf.
~~The National Catholic Register featured my defense of St. Thomas More from the inaccuracies of Wolf Hall in the April 4, 2015 issue and also published my general profile of St. Thomas More in June.
~~In the Winter/Spring issue of The Latin Mass Magazine (print or on-line subscription required) my article on "The Long Lent of St. Thomas More" appears.
~~St. Austin Review published my article on Marian Apparitions in France in the May/June 2015 issue.
~~Tudor Life (online subscription required) requested articles from me in the October 2015 issue with an overview of "The Choices Catholics Faced in Tudor England" and in the January 2016 issue focused on Elizabeth I: "The Other Face: Elizabeth I and Her Catholic Subjects".
My article on the Martyrs of Gorkum in the July/August issue of OSV's The Catholic Answer Magazine is available!
My article honoring St. John Fisher in The National Catholic Register is available now!
My article discussing St. Thomas More and his Defense of Christendom for Crisis Magazine is here.