
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Byrd and Tallis Team Up Again

The April 2012 issue of the BBC Music Magazine features this compact disc of Sacred Choral Music of William Byrd and Thomas Tallis performed by The Cardinall's Musik conducted by Andrew Carwood. The Cardinall's Musick is on a 2012 tour to perform all of Byrd's Latin Music, according to their website. You might note that they plan to follow the liturgical year through their performance dates. On March 30, for instance, they performed in Oxford at St. Barnabas church in Jericho, which I visited during my Oxford Experience class on the Oxford Movement a few years ago:

This concert is part of The Cardinall’s Musick’s 2012 Byrd Tour. Here, Byrd’s solemn lenten music is delivered with impeccable craftsmanship and heartfelt expression in a programme which features the Mass for four voices, Propers for Easter, Haec dies [a 6 1591], Holy Saturday Vespers, In exituu Israel, Angelus Domini, Mane vobiscum, Post dies Octo and Deus in adjutorium. The atmosphere and acoustic of St Barnabas in Jericho are perfect for this penitential seasonal music.

For more information, here is an interview with Andrew Carwood in The Tablet. Here's a quote to get you thinking: "It's like Shostakovich in Russia." Here you can read my post on Catholic Exchange about "The Fascinating Mr. Willliam Byrd".

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