
Thursday, February 23, 2012

National History Day Project

In early December last year a student from the High School of Economics and Finance in New York City contacted me to ask me some questions about Henry VIII and the English Reformation. I responded and he just sent me a link to the result of his research: "Henry VIII Ignites The English Reformation," a website. He also contacted Charles H. Parker from Saint Louis University. I hope the student, Bartosz Chrobak, will contact me about the results of the competition, coming up on March 11. More about the National History Day here.


  1. My Genevieve while studying at Meredith College was selected to be a judge from NC some while back. (All I got was a lousy ball cap,) no really it ended up not being her major, French and Edu ended up being those, but she had such highgrades that she was admitted to the National History Society.

  2. Stephanie- i went with interest to Bartosz Chrobaz related web site and found this quote from quote From a
    Charles Parker, History Professor At Saint Louis University
    Q. "How were the people of England affected by Henry's change in the religion of his nation?"
    A. "Most people were not affected all that much, except priests and bishops who now had a new boss. The king profited enormously from the properties of the English Church, which was now much poorer than it had been. Parker needs to read more- chapter vii of Cobbetts monumental piece "Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland written 1824-1827. to gain a deeper understanding of the dire, severe impact this tyrant and his brood of vipers had upon the realm and the common people. There are many other references if the prof. is open to learning?
    your opinion please?

  3. gedda fan, I don't know the entire context of Professor Parker's comments to Mr. Chrobaz's interview question, but I would have to disagree with the statement as presented. The Pilgrimage of Grace certainly demonstrates that at least some people thought they were seeing changes from Henry's breakaway from the universal Catholic Church. Eamon Duffy's two great books (Stripping of the Altars and Voices of Morebath) also detail reaction to the religious changes.
