
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Three English Converts and Our Lady of Victory

Last week I visited Notre Dames des Victoires near Place des Victoires with the statue of Louis XIV in the center of the ring. His father, Louis XIII, commissioned this Notre Dame in thanksgiving for all his military victories in 1629. The church is filled, however, with ex voto plaques from believers thankful for more personal favors and miracles: healings, conversion, marriage, health, birth, happiness--just "Thank You".
There is one plaque I saw on a previous visit, but because the Benedictine sisters working in the parish were instructing some students I did not want to interrupt by taking a picture (so I waited a couple of years!): "A Thank Offering From. Three. English. Converts.":

I am stilll researching who A.R., I.A., and I.G. are, but notice that they are placing this rather large plaque in response to the urging of George Spencer, and that they are praying for the conversion of the English nation, commending this intecession to Mary's care. This ex voto is close to the statue of Notre Dame des Victoires.

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